What is Projesium?
At Projesium, we propose, implement and manage EU, Software and Crypto/Fintech Projects. In addition to our in-house product development, our experts offer consultancy services for any stage of your project to help optimise your proposed solutions.
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Projesium Firması, CryptoIndexSeries Adlı Ürünlerinin Beta Lansmanını Gerçekleştirdi
2018 yılından beri ODTÜ Teknokent dahilinde faaliyet gösteren Projesium Firması, 21 Şubat 2020, Cuma günü, CryptoIndexSeries adlı ürünlerinin beta lansmanını CoZone’da gerçekleştirdi.
Blockchain, Kripto-Fintech ve Kripto Paralar alanında derin teknolojik araştırmalar yapan Projesium, aynı zamanda bu alanlarda eğitim ve çalıştaylar vermekte, ekosistemde farkındalık uyandırmak ve alandaki bilgi birikimini artırmak için CoZone’da halka açık düzenli ücretsiz etkinlikler düzenlemektedir.

The 8th Projesium Blockchain Meet & Greet was held on the 18th of November at Co-Zone
The 8th Projesium Blockchain Meet & Greet was held on the 18th of November at Co-Zone in METU Information Innovation Centre. Eser Sevim, co-founder and Business Development Manager at Further Network was Projesium’s guest this time and shared their journey at Further Network with us.

Blockchain Meet & Greet VII
Blockchain Meet & Greet VII was held on the 11th of November at Co-Zone in METU Information Innovation Centre. Dr. Murat Osmanoğlu was Projesium’s guest for Blockchain Meet & Greet VII.
Dr. Murat Osmanoğlu, an active Blockchain Researcher in Ankara University, delivered a presentation about "Yield Estimation System in Blockchain Based Agriculture. He stated that the price fluctuation in agricultural products which affects negatively market actors. He said that his findings showed that the most important reason in this price fluctuation is uncertainty in yield estimation