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There were three different workshops for our participants.One of them was about introduction in the world of digital currencies and their potential use in daily life,which was presented by Jan Heinrich Meyer (CEO,DASH Embassy) and Robert Wiecko (COO,DASH).

Participants were interested in Dash coin and their goals.Heinrich and Meyer showed the participants how the dash coin effect our payment system.End of the presentation,Heinrich and Meyer answered clearly the questions.


After the presentation of Dash,Armenak Tueysuez introduce their product which calls Salamantex.It provides to pay you with cyrptovurrency thus it is cyrpto payment service.

As we know that cyrptocurrencies are not prevalent to customer for now.Because of this reason, Salamantex aim to solve this problem.

As you see the picture,Armenak Tueysuez showed peope the device which they produce.

The other workshop was about Anti-Money Loundering and Regulations.Delphine Forma,Head of Global Compliance,Lykke

Lastly,Felipe Santi(CTO of Sismotour) and Enrique Melero (Co-founder and Managing Director of Helvetia Fintech) presented about Blockchain and IOT.


End of the day,Participants joined the reception in Anadolu Hotels.In this reception,Francisco Beneditto (Co-founder Climatecoin) told people about purpose of climatecoin and he showed us why climatecoin is important for our future.

About the author

İbrahim Kiçeci

İbrahim Kiçeci

İbrahim Kiçeci,


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